Then cover the top of the pot with a see-through plastic bag. Hold the bag in place with a rubber band. Place the pot in a warm area. When the chilies start growing, take off the bag. When the plants have reached about 2 centimeters high, place each one carefully in its own 7.5-centimeter pot.When t…
然后在罐子顶部覆盖一层透明的塑料袋, 用橡皮筋把塑料袋箍紧。罐子要放在潮湿的地方。辣椒一开始生长,就要取掉塑料袋。当植物长到2厘米高时,要小心地把每一棵幼苗各自放在7.5厘米的罐子里。根茎在罐子底部的小洞生长出来时,把幼苗移植到12厘米的罐子里。当植物长至20厘米高时,要把植物系在木棒上固定在罐子里,便于支撑…