Books are a high cost of higher education. But the Global Text Project hopes to create a free library of one thousand electronic textbooks for students in developing countries.The aim is to offer subjects that students may take in their first few years at a university. The books could be prin…
书是高等教育中很高的一笔花费。但是全球教科书计划希望创建一个拥有1,000本书的免费的图书馆给发展中国家的学生们。其宗旨是为那些刚进入大学几年的学生提供课程用书。这些书可以被打印或在计算机中阅读,或者复制在CD,DVD上。 美国的2位教授主持全球教科书计划。理查德沃森是佐治亚大学管理信息系统系主任。Donald McCu…