Imagine that you want to buy a house but are not sure you could meet the monthly payments. Your credit history is considered subprime -- not good enough for the lowest interest rates available. But a broker who finds lenders for homebuyers offers you a deal. A loan with payments low enough to…
设想一下你想买一套房子然而又不能保证每月还贷的情形。你的信用记录不够好——不足以支付最低的利率。但是房屋经纪人找到了适合这类房屋买主的借贷人,他们为你提供预算范围内的低额还款。然而2、3年后,你的偿款可能增加30%或更多,你能接受吗? 在美国,预计中的200万次级可调整利率按揭贷款在未来2年极可能重新调整并提…