High oil prices have brought new attention to OPEC. Its members produce about forty percent of the world's oil. But two of the world's top three oil exporters, Russia and Norway, are not OPEC members. Its influence may have reached a high point during the oil crisis connected to the nineteen seventy…
高油价让大家又一次关注欧佩克。其成员国出产世界上百分之四十的石油。但是,世界上最大的3个石油出口国中的两个,俄罗斯和挪威,却不是欧佩克成员。 欧佩克的影响力在1973年可能已经达到一个高点,当时由于石油危机而引发了阿拉伯-以色列战争。阿拉伯石油生产国抵制美国,西欧和日本,因为他们支持以色列。自那之后,前苏…