提示:Lyn Evans;Higgs
LHC Project Leader, Lyn Evans calls the LHC a machine of discovery. He says physicists believe they will find an elusive elementary particle called the Higgs Boson, which should explain why other particles obtain mass. And, even if the Higgs is not found, he says the effort will not have been in …
大型强子对撞机项目负责人利恩·伊文斯把大型强子对撞机称作是一台探索机。他表示物理学家们相信他们会找到希格斯玻色子 - 一种极难找到的元素粒子,它将能解释其他粒子具有质量的原因。 而且,伊文斯称,即使没有找到希格斯玻色子,这次试验也不会徒劳无功。 “对人类认知的诉求从来不曾是徒劳的,即使没有找到希格斯…