Many things perform effectively but not efficiently. To be efficient means to produce a desired effect with as little waste as possible. How can markets be designed to make them more efficient? This is a question that the three winners of this year's Nobel Prize in economics have tried to answer. T…
许多事情做的时候会有效果,但并无效率。 有效率意味着尽可能的少浪费而产生想要的结果。如何设计会使得市场更能产生效率呢?这是今年的3名诺贝尔经济学奖获得者尝试回答的问题。他们建立了机制设计理论。 最初是由明尼苏达大学的Leonid Hurwicz 在1960年提出的。在新泽西州普林斯顿的高级研究院的Eric Maskin 和芝加哥大学…