Expert Larry Sabato says a decision to run would put Gore at a clear disadvantage compared to those Democratic contenders who have been running and raising money for months. The Nobel Peace Prize is the latest honor for Gore in a year that began with Hollywood honoring his documentary on climate cha…
专家拉里.塞伯托说相比那些已经花了几个月参选及筹集资金的民主党竞争对手而言,现在决定参选对戈尔明显不利。 自从上次在好莱坞凭借关于气侯变化的记录片获奖后,诺贝尔和平奖是戈尔这一年来最近的一个荣誉。 记录片《被忽视的真相》使全球变暖危机成为全美乃至全世界最为关注的环境问题。戈尔也籍此荣获了奥斯卡最佳记录片…