Gore has said repeatedly he is not planning a run for president next year, though when pressed he refuses to rule out the possibility. "Well, you know, I am not pondering it, I am not focused on that, I am focused on how to solve the climate crisis." Among those who doubt Gore will jo…
戈尔一再声明,他没有打算参加明年的总统竞选,然而迫于压力,他也不排除这种可能。 “呃,众所周知,我没考虑过这事,也不是很关心。目前我主要是集中精力解决气候危机。” 很多人对戈尔是否参与总统竞选持怀疑态度,纽约每日新闻长期政治观察员汤姆·德弗兰克也是其中之一。他是本周VOA新闻节目的特邀嘉宾。 “他一直称自…