How does Vinod Mishra explain these findings? More women could be entering marriage already infected, he says. Or they could be getting H.I.V. from non-sexual causes. Maybe they received an injection with a needle that had been used before on someone with H.I.V. But the researcher does not think th…
如何解释这些发现呢?维诺德米西拉说更多的妇女是在结婚时就发现已染病。或许她们是通过非性接触途径感染上H.I.V,又也许是她们在接受注射时使用的针头是某个HIV感染者用过的。 但维诺德认为这些都不是主要的原因。他说有很明显的证据表明大部分妇女是同异性但非丈夫的性行为中感染上病毒的。 致力于改变行为方式的爱滋病防护…