Tommy Cater
The Agriculture Department has a soybean germplasm collection, a collection of genetic material passed from one generation to the next. Members of Team Drought studied more than 2,500 examples from the collection. They looked at ones from the ancestral home of soybeans, Asia. They searched for germ…
农业部有一个大豆胚质的收藏,是关于代代相传的基因物质的。干旱小组的成员们研究了收藏中超过2500个样本。他们着眼于一些原产地在亚洲的大豆样本,寻找能够在美国炎热干燥的夏季抑制弱化和蔫萎的胚质。 汤米•卡特说他们只找到了5个(胚质)。但是这些慢速蔫萎系在干旱条件下比正常大豆多产出4到8蒲式耳。产量由地域和环境决…