Alvin Nelson El Amin
Autumn and winter are cold and flu season -- when people are most likely to catch the viruses that cause influenza and the common cold. Is the old advice true that dressing warmly will help prevent a cold? Or if you do get sick, should you follow the old saying, "Feed a cold and starve a fever"? A…
秋天和冬天是感冒和流感的季节-是人们最可能感染引起流感和感冒病毒的时候。古语说穿得暖和点可以帮助预防感冒是正确的么?或者如果你生病了,你是否要遵循古语“着凉要食,发烧免食”?发烧了要怎样?你是否会吃药来降温,还是让身体自我治疗感染更好些? 每个人似乎都有自己的答案。但是大众智慧有多少价值呢?加利福尼亚…