This week, economic worries turned from inflation. On Wednesday, central banks in nations around the world acted together to lower interest rates. The fear is that a lack of credit and falling demand could cause a deep, worldwide recession. The International Monetary Fund has warned that the world …
本周,对经济的担忧已不是通货膨胀。本周三,全球国家的中英银行一起行动,降低了利率。令人担忧的是信贷缺失,需求下降会导致一场深远的,全球性的经济衰退。 国际货币金融组织已经警告说,全球正面临自20世纪30年代以来最严重的经济危机。 为了防止经济增长继续放缓,美联储将其联邦基金利率下调至1.5%,该利率指银行间的…