Harris; Zed
Harris is chief curator at the Page Museum, which houses treasures from the tar pits. He says only partial remains of mammoths were found at this site before, and Zed is the largest ever found here. Zed was a male who stood 3 meters high at the hip. He was from 47 to 49 years old when he died, …
培基博物馆内收藏着从焦油坑里挖掘到的珍宝。此馆馆长哈里斯说,从前在这里只发现过部分猛犸遗骸。如今Zed成为了这儿有史以来找到体形最大的一个。Zed是雄性,离地3米高。从骨骼判断,死时该活了47到49年。 “这具遗骸还是相对完整的,除了一条腿骨外,几乎所有的骨骼都在了,包括有头盖骨、颚骨以及牙齿和长牙。从焦油坑…