提示:schizophrenic;The National Institute of Mental Health;risperidone;olanzapin;molindone
People who are schizophrenic sometimes hear voices or see things that are not real. They might believe other people want to hurt them. They can become fearful and socially withdrawn. Schizophrenia is explained on the National Institute of Mental Health Web site as a brain disorder that is severe and…
精神分裂症患者有时会出现幻听或幻觉,他们可能许会认为有些人想伤害他们,他们会非常害怕并且不愿与人交往。美国家心理卫生研究所的网站把精神分裂解释为一种严重的、残疾性的大脑失调。这种疾病是慢性的,是指它是一种长期疾病。 这种大脑机能失调通常出现在20岁左右的男性,20多岁或30多岁的女性通常会患有此疾病。专…