

Today, high calorie foods are not only abundant; they contain much higher amounts of sugar and fat than what's found in natural food sources. A person can buy a ten-ounce milk shake with triple the amount of sugar as an apple and the same fat content as a chicken leg. To see how modern foods like milk shakes act on the brain, scientists tested 48 women, both lean and obese. To measure food addiction, they gave them a written test developed to identify drug addiction. They then used an MRI brain imaging procedure to see how each person's brain responded when they were shown and then allowed to drink a chocolate milk shake compared to a tasteless solution. Scientists found that people who scored higher on the food addiction test had brain activity very similar to drug addicts when they were given the milk shake. There was greater activity in the brain region where cravings originate, and less activity in the area that controls urges. It didn't matter if the person was lean or obese. All people have food cravings which are not addictions, and scientists aren't sure if people are born susceptible to food addiction or if it develops through their behavior. But it appears chocolate milk shakes are the cocaine of the food world.
现如今,高能量的食物不仅仅过剩,他们还含有比自然界来源食物更多的糖分和脂肪。 一个人买十盎司的奶昔便含有相对于一个苹果三倍含量的糖、与一个鸡腿含量相当的脂肪。 为了观察现代食物例如奶昔怎样作用于大脑,科学家测试了48名女性,既有消瘦也有肥胖的。为了测试食物的成瘾性,科学家们让他们做了一个用于确认药物成瘾的测试。 然后他们用磁共振脑部成像去观察当呈现给测试者们巧克力奶昔及淡水时每个人脑部的不同反应。 科学家们发现在食物成瘾测试得分较高的人们当给予其奶昔时,他们脑部的活动与药物成瘾患者脑部的活动相似。产生迫切需求的大脑区域的活动比较强烈,而控制需求的部分活动相对较弱。无论这个人是消瘦还是肥胖。 所有人都有对食物的迫切需求但不是成瘾,科学家们并不能肯定人们是天生的对食物成瘾敏感还是通过他们的行为发展而成。但是,巧克力奶昔却像是食物世界中的可卡因。