提示:Florida;Phi Delta Kappa;the Gallup organization;
Florida, for example, has cut school aid by about 2% per student. State officials say tax collections are low and lottery sales have fallen by $100,000,000. Florida and many other states use money from sales of lottery tickets to help pay for education. Around the country, the economic slowdown has…
举个例子,佛罗里达已经削减了每名学生2%的补助。州政府官员说,税收收入较低并且彩票的销售额也下降了一亿美元。佛罗里达和许多其他地区利用彩票的收入来辅助支付教育费用。 全国经济放缓已经使接受免费或降价午餐的在校生数量增加。换句话说,一些影响了学校预算的经济问题也同样影响了家庭的开支。 每年,教育组织…