The Times report says the plan was designed to end disagreements among U.S. government agencies about how to pursue leaders of the al-Qaida terrorist network. But the newspaper says those same disagreements have prevented the plan from being implemented.   In particular, the paper says there is con…
纽约时报报导说,这项计划的目的是结束美国各机构之间就如何追剿基地恐怖组织头目产生的不同意见。但是,报导说,也正是由于这些分歧使得计划至今无法付诸实施。 报导说,各机构特别担心的是,如果美国派遣地面部队到巴基斯坦境内的消息公诸于众后,会对巴基斯坦政府造成的影响。巴基斯坦政府是美国的一个重要盟友。  纽约…