Very few people turned up to vote in the high density Harare suburbs compared with the elections on March 29. In the less populated suburbs there were polling stations where not a single person had voted three hours after voting opened at 7:00 a.m. local time.   One man, an aut…
与3月29号的选举活动相比,在哈拉雷人口稠密的郊区,到投票站来的人却寥寥无几。在人口相对稀少的郊区,当地时间上午七点投票站开门,但是有些投票站在开门后的三个小时里,竟没有一个人来投票。 一位哈拉雷南部的圣玛利郊区的汽车电工说,他投了穆加贝的票,因为茨万吉拉伊希望把津巴布韦交还到白人手中。 他还说,穆加贝将…