Futures markets now largely set the price of oil. Yet these contracts rarely involve an exchange of real barrels of oil. Most oil is traded on what is called the spot market or through other contracts between producers and users. The prices, however, are usually based on futures prices. Doug…
目前期货市场在很大程度上决定了石油的价格. 但这些合同很少涉及到真实的桶装油的交易问题. 大多数的石油是在现货市场或是通过生产商和用户之间的其它合同达成交易. 但是, 价格一般都以期货价格为基础. Doug MacIntyre是美国能源情报署的资深石油分析师. 他指出政府的主张是供需方面的市场效力促成了今天的高油价. 但是他也…