President Bush welcomed the news, and said Gordon Brown is living up to his commitments, despite pressure from the British public to pull out of Iraq.   "He has left more troops in Iraq than originally anticipated, And like me, we will be making our decisions based on the conditions on the ground, …
布什总统对上述消息表示欢迎。他说,布朗正在履行他的承诺,尽管承受英国公众要求从伊拉克撤军的压力。  “他部署驻留伊拉克的部队超过了原来预计的人数。和我一样,我们会根据现实的情形、指挥官的建议做出决策,而不是根据政策制定一个人为的时间表。”  美英两国领导人还共同谴责了津巴布韦政府。两位领导人对津巴布韦…