"Twenty-five percent of the increase in oil prices is strictly due to the fact that the dollar has gone down by 25 percent, because oil all over the world is priced in dollars." Taken together, Hanke says, these and other factors have made for a "perfect storm" that relentlessly drives up oi…
“石油价格上涨了25 %,严格来讲是由于美元贬值了25 %这一事实,因为全球的石油都是以美元定价的”。 综合考虑,汉克认为这些因素及其他因素形成了一个“完美风暴”, 不停地推动石油价格攀升,看不到尽头。 对此能做些什么呢?汉克说,如果供应量增加,全球需求平稳或减弱,石油价格就能平缓。他说如果石油生产国扭转国家…