American motorists appear to grow more dismayed every time they go to a gasoline station. The average price for a gallon of fuel rose nearly six cents in the past week alone, and is more than 50 cents higher than a year ago. While consumers complain, others are pointing fingers. For Ray Carbone, who…
美国的驾车者每当走进加油站时似乎变得更失望了。仅上周,平均每加仑燃油的价格就上涨了近6美分,这比去年高出了50美分。 在消费者抱怨之时,其他人则开始公开辩论谁该为此负责。 对于总部设于纽约的能源交易公司Paramount Option的领导人Ray Carbone而言,该问题简而言之就是三个字“供与需”。他谈到,当全球石油生产正处…