They note Congress is about to start work on new legislation dealing with the environment. And they stress the 17 leading industrialized countries taking part in the Paris negotiations this week hope to have an agreement by the end of next year, meaning the groundwork must be laid now. The p…
他们表示国会正着手通过新立法来解决环境问题。并且他们强调这周参加巴黎谈判的17个工业化国家希望能在明年年底达成协议。这意味着现在必须打好基础。 布什总统的提议远远低于欧洲减排的目标。 环境激进家说,总统制定的目标太低,也太迟了。参议院环境和公共工程委员会主席,民主党人士芭芭拉.博克瑟认为总统的提议不负责任…