Troops deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan after August 1 will have their tour of duty reduced from 15 months to 12 months. The war in Iraq is deeply unpopular in the United States. A majority of Americans now believe toppling Saddam Hussein was a mistake. A public opinion poll by the Ass…
8月1日起,驻伊拉克、阿富汗的美军服役期将从15个月减至12个月。 在美国,人们对伊拉克战争怨声载道。现在,大多数美国人认为推翻萨达姆.侯赛因政权是个错误。上周美联社的民意调查表明,将近2/3的美国人不赞同布什总统处理战争的方式。 肯塔基州国会议员约翰. 亚尔穆斯,在民主党广播演讲中强调持续不断的战争花费。无党派美…