For example, try to keep food and water safe from wildlife. Fences may help keep out coyotes, especially if the fences are at least two meters high. For best results, the bottom of the fence should extend about fifteen centimeters into the ground. Provide secure shelter for poultry, r…
比如,避免让野生动物破坏食物和水。篱笆能起到隔离土狼的作用,尤其是至少有两米高的篱笆。为了达到最好的效果,篱笆的底部应该打入地下大约十五厘米深。 给易受袭的家禽,兔子和其他动物提供牢固安全的住处。专家建议在动物住处的上方安装亮灯。他们还建议如果人们看到土狼在他们财产附近周围时可以依靠吆喝,制造响声或投…