“These are natural in such times, only that now there are more children out in these circumstances, there are more vulnerable people. Obviously the children play around in these camps and it is a challenge. You cannot stop children from playing, but they are playing in very muddy areas, dise…
洪灾是肯尼亚每年的顾虑。从今年雨季的开始,洪水已夺去至少7人的生命。塔维塔(Taveta)沿海地区受灾最严重,近8000人流离失所。 在肯尼亚西部靠近维多利亚湖的Nyanza省,同样受灾严重。到目前为止,霍乱爆发造成39人死亡。 目前的降雨总量与往年持平,洪水的危害也不是特别的严重。但是,赈灾的官员说我们所关心的是住在肯…