also will work with local partners to improve public services and reduce poverty. In India, for example, the Pratham non-profit group has developed a way to identify if students are learning in school. Mister Walji says hopes to expand it and similar tools to other public servi…
也将和当地合作伙伴合作以改善公共服务和扶贫。例如,在印度,Pratham非盈利组织已经开发出一种确定学生是否在校的方法。Mister Walji 称希望将此方法和相似工具在其他公共服务中推广。 也将出资帮助今年早些时候宣布的两个气候变化项目。其中一个项目研究使可再生能源的成本低于煤基燃料的方…