Peru,Steven Schrage,Organization of American States(OAS)
Sidney Weintraub is a former senior U.S. State Department official who was involved in the early development of the APEC concept. "Just by looking at the attendance you're getting at a meeting in Peru in the middle of other crises and other meetings and other summit meetings sort of shows that a lo…
西德尼•温特劳布是前任资深美国国务院官员,他参与了(建立)亚太经合组织(APEC)概念的早期发展阶段。 比起其他的峰会,比如刚刚结束的 20集团国会议(G20),许多首脑们还是比较喜欢这个特殊的集会的,因为此会(APEC)压力相对小一些。只要看一下参与国数量,无论是危机时期在秘鲁举行的会议,还是其他一些会见以及峰会…