Senator Obama and his supporters are looking over the results here in South Carolina and honing their strategy for the upcoming primaries. In some ways South Carolina was unique, especially in terms of the role played by black voters. Much of Obama's overwhelming margin of success was owed to…
参议员奥巴马和他的支持者们现在正在检查在南卡罗来纳州的投票结果,同时也在为接下来的党内总统候选人预选制定策略。从某些方面来讲,南卡罗来纳州有些特殊,特别是黑人选民在投票中所起到的作用很特殊:奥巴马的优势很大一部分是因为黑人选民,黑人选民的选票占了他所有得票数的将近一半。 然而,甚至在真正的美国南部,奥…