President Bush came into office 8 years ago with an agenda of low taxes and limited government. But, in a wide ranging discussion in Washington, Mr. Bush admitted that the economic meltdown of the last year has forced him to set some of those principles aside. The latest example is a rescue package …
八年前,布什总统执政时就计划减少税收、限制政府规模。。但是,在华盛顿的大范围讨论中,布什总统承认去年的经济危机已经迫使他取消其中的一部分政策了。 最近的一个例子就是,布什当局酝酿的对陷入困境的美国汽车制造商的救助方案。早些时候,美国众议院试图通过一项救助方案,但遭到参议院的否决布什提到美国的汽车业雇佣…