Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
Today we discuss the greenhouse effect. Farmers and gardeners have long used greenhouses to extend the growing season in cold weather. Now, hoop houses are gaining popularity. Hoop houses are sometimes called a temporary greenhouse or passive solar greenhouse. A hoop house is basically a metal fr…
今天我们来讨论温室效应。 长期以来,农民和园艺工人在严寒时会利用温室来延长作物的生长期。如今拱形温室日益走俏,有时也叫做临时温室或者被动太阳能温室。 拱形温室由金属框架极其表面的塑料或其他全天候材料构成基本结构。常见设计看上去就像居高临下的轨道。拱形温室的供暖系统与一般温室有所不同,它依靠太阳的热量加…