Cato the Elder
Susan Trice
We have talked about growing carrots and beets. This week, we move from root vegetables to a leafy vegetable. Cabbage is related to mustard, turnips, kale and collards. The leaves that form a head of cabbage can be purple, red or green. "White" cabbage is really a light green. Cabbage is a good sou…
之前,我们已谈过种植胡萝卜和甜菜的话题。本周,我们将话题从块根类蔬菜转移到多叶蔬菜。卷心菜与芥菜、大头菜、羽衣甘蓝同属一类。卷心菜的菜叶可以是紫色、红色或绿色。“白色”卷心菜其实是淡绿色。 卷心菜富含维生素C和其他营养元素。2000年前极具影响力的罗马思想家——Cato the Elder就对卷心菜的医学价值大为赞赏…