本周,美国扩充的联邦仇恨法正式起效。新的仇恨法将会对歧视偏见产生的犯罪给予更大的打击。Hints:Obamahate crimesMartin Luther KingCongressMatthew ShepardWyomingTexas James Byrd JuniorJohn BoehnerHouse of Representatives
This week, President Obama signed an expansion of federal law on hate crimes. Such laws provide more investigative resources or longer sentences, or both, for crimes driven by prejudice.Until now, federal law has covered crimes based on a victim's race, color, religion or national origin. Congress f…
本周奥巴马总统签署了联邦法歧视罪的扩展条例。相关法律条例规定,将对歧视罪进行更深入的调查和审判。 到目前为止,联邦法已涉及针对受害者种族、肤色、宗教和国籍歧视的罪名。在1968年民权领袖马丁路德金遇害后,国会第一次执行了该法案。经过同性恋和其他相关团体多年努力至今,此次扩展条例将包含歧视同性恋的罪名。同时…