
Pacific Rim
Waikiki Beach
Occupy with Aloha
We Are The Many

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Makana was enlisted to play a luau, or Hawaiian feast, for members of the Pacific Rim who had gathered in Obama's birthplace Honolulu for an annual summit formulating plans for a Pacific free-trade pact. During the meal on the resort strip Waikiki Beach, he proudly pulled open his jacket to reveal a T-shirt which read "Occupy with Aloha" - using the Hawaiian word which includes love and peace. He went on to sing a 45-minute version of his new song We Are The Many, which features the refrain: "We'll occupy the streets, we'll occupy the courts, we'll occupy the offices of you, till you do the bidding of the many, not the few." Makana said the song prompted awkward stares from a few in the audience, but the Obamas appeared too engrossed with their guests to even notice what was happening. The attendees may also not have noticed the "challenging" nature of Makana's lyrics because the music was so mellow, it was mooted on CNN. Reports that, halfway through the performance, President Obama yelled "Play Freebird!" have not been confirmed. After the performance, Makana, 33, said: "I was pretty nervous. In fact I was terrified. I kept thinking 'what are the consequences going to be?'"
美国总统奥巴马举办晚宴招待参加APEC峰会的各经济体领导人时,夏威夷当红歌手利用献唱的机会,表达了对“占领”运动的声援。 在为亚太地区各经济体领导人举行的传统夏威夷盛宴上,马卡拉受邀献唱。各经济体领袖齐聚奥巴马的出生地檀香山,召开年度高峰会,为太平洋自由贸易协议制定计划。 在狭长的度假胜地威基基海滩举行的晚宴上,马卡拉骄傲地拉开他的夹克,露出一件写有“用阿罗哈(Aloha)占领”字样的T恤衫。Aloha是夏威夷方言,有爱与和平的含义。 在接下来的45分钟里,他演唱了自己的新歌《我们是多数》,其中副歌唱到:“我们将占领街道、占领法院、占领你们的办公室,直到你们听多数人的话,而不是少数人。” 马卡拉称,这首歌曲令一些在场观众用奇怪的眼神看着他。但奥巴马夫妇当时正专心招待宾客,似乎没有注意到发生了什么。 美国有线新闻网(CNN)指出,由于曲调柔美,晚宴出席者可能也没有注意到马拉卡歌词的“挑战性”。 有报道说,演唱进行到一半时,奥巴马大声喊:“演奏《自由鸟》!”,但未经证实。 演出结束后,33岁的马卡拉说:“我很紧张。事实上我吓坏了。我一直在想‘这么做的后果是什么?’”