Mr. Johnson says the young lambs are perfectly designed to do the job. They eat the grape leaves on the lower parts of the vine. But they are not tall enough to reach the grapes. They only weigh about 22 kilos, so they do not beat down the soil. And their waste makes good organic fertilizer. In add…
Johnson说,用小羔羊来做修剪工作是经过完美设计的。它们会吃掉葡萄藤底部的叶子,但是长的不够高,吃不到位置更高的葡萄。 这些小羔羊的体重之后22千克,所以不会将土壤踩实。它们的粪便又提供了良好的有机肥料。此外,使用小羔羊的费用远远低于夏季的七个星期雇工修剪的费用。八月份,修剪工作完成之后,这些小羔羊--可能…