the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
President Obama
the University of Southern California
We answered a question last week about how American college students find jobs after they graduate. Now, we discuss foreign graduates. The process for employing foreign workers in the United States is long. It involves different government agencies. It also involves a hot political issue. For examp…
上周我们回答了一个关于美国大学生毕业后找工作的问题。现在我们来讨论一下留学生找工作的问题。美国雇佣外国员工的程序很复杂。不仅涉及不同的政府机构还包含热门政治问题。 例如,总统奥巴马在2月签署成为法律的《美国复兴和再投资法案》就是针对这个问题的。这项法案包括禁止那些接受联邦经济激励费的公司雇用外国员工来…