Ashkenazi Jewish
Chicago, Illinois
Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths. Every year it kills almost 680,000 people around the world. And doctors find more than 1,000,000 new cases. The disease is highly treatable if discovered early. The research involved 2 studies with a total of about 1,500 people. The larger…
结肠癌是癌症所致死亡的主要死因之一。每年,全球有68万人死于该病。医生发现,每年的新发病例高达一百万例以上。如果早期发现,该病有很高的可治疗性。 该调查包括两项总计人数约为1500人的研究。两项研究中较大的一项以纽约的德系犹太后裔为研究对象。结肠癌在东欧后裔的犹太人的发病率比普通人高。另一项研究以伊利诺斯…