Hints: Carol Stax-Brown
Where students are placed depends on what they want to study. The program is also a chance to learn about America and its people. And it gives colleges a way to expand their diversity. The students live in dormitories or apartments or with local families. Carol Stax-Brown is an administrator of the…
学生们在哪所大学读书,取决于他们想学习的内容。学生们有机会通过这个项目了解美国和美国人,社区学院也可以通过这个项目扩大学校的多样性。来就读的学生有的住宿舍,有的住公寓,有的则在当地人家住宿。 国际发展社区学院负责“社区学院计划”的行政人员卡罗尔·布朗说,他们学校挑选那些有一定工作经验、能说一些英语并想…