Mimi Collins
These are among the best paid professions for people with just a college degree. On average, engineering majors expect to start at about $62,000 a year. Accounting majors expect about 45,000. So how can students increase their chances for a job? Mimi Collins at NACE says the most effective tool is…
在(面向工程专业和会计专业毕业生的)一些最高工资的岗位中,其要求仅需要有本科文凭。50%工程专业的学生希望一上岗就能达到一年62000美元的收入,50%会计专业的学生希望一年45000美元。 那么学生如何能增加他们工作的机会?全美大学与雇主协会的Mimi Collins说最有效的工具是学校就业咨询中心。咨询家可以就工作应聘和面试…