David Cameron
Conservative Party leader David Cameron says fundamental change must come quickly. "Today we see more things that are going to make the public very angry and that show a system that is desperately in need of reform. Individually, members of parliament have got to explain why they claimed, what th…
英国保守党领导人大卫•卡梅伦称政府根本性改革势在必行. “如今, 越来越多的事情使得民众十分气愤, 这些事也表明政府系统存在着漏洞需要改革. 从个人来说, 国会议员必须对为什么这样做和都做了什么给予解释并且立刻行动起来. 从全体来说, 我想我们必须高呼, 看看我们管理和运营的这套政府系统, 它到处漏水需要改革.” …