The president says all these cuts will help bring the deficit down, and will free up money to fund budget priorities. But Republicans in Congress say they will have little if any impact. Judd Gregg is the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee. "It is as if this was the Gobi Desert or the Sah…
总统说所有这些财政削减将有助于减少赤字,腾出资金以投资更为重要的预算项目。 但是,在国会上共和党人说这些削减措施的影响力微乎其微。朱迪•格雷是参议院预算委员会共和党人的首席。 他说:“这就好比是戈壁沙漠或是撒哈拉沙漠,你走过来,带走了沙漠中的几粒沙粒而已。” 格雷说财政的削减远远不足以抵消总统新提议所需…