Professors on the tenure track teach classes, advise students and carry out research. They also serve on committees and take part in community activities. Other teachers are not expected to do all this. They are not on a tenure track. They are called adjuncts. An adjunct professor is hired to teach…
获得终身聘用的教授可以进行教学、指导学生和进行研究,也可以进人学术委员会工作、参加社团活动。其他的教师则不能这样做了。他们没有获得终身聘用,只是辅助教授。 被聘的辅助教授的授课时间是有限制的,通常是一个学期。辅助教授可能有博士学位,但是他们的薪水比那些终身聘用的教师要低,并且没有就业保障。 美国大学教…