Senator McCain is focused on winning several states that usually back Republican presidential candidates. "And we need to win Florida. On November the 4th, we've got to win the state of Florida, my friends." President Bush carried Florida in both of his election victories. But the latest pub…
参议员麦凯恩将竞选重点放于赢得那些通常会支持共和党总统候选人的州。 “我们需要赢得佛罗里达。在11月4日,我们将在佛罗里达州取胜,我的朋友们。” 布什总统在他的两次选举中都赢得了佛罗里达州的支持。但是,最新的民调表明参议员奥巴马以微弱优势领先于参议员麦凯恩。 现在,麦凯恩花大部分时间来攻击奥巴马的…