
Today we talk about tomatoes. Tomatoes are generally easy to grow. Experts at the University of Illinois Extension suggest you start seeds indoors if the ground is still cold. For best results with the least risk, they say, plant when the soil is warm, soon after the frost-free date for your area. …
今天我们来谈谈关于番茄的话题。番茄一般来说很容易种植。伊利诺斯大学专家建议土壤温度低,那就在室内播种。过了无霜期,土壤温度上升时种植,就能以最小的风险来取得最佳的收成。 假如仍然存在霜冻的风险,在夜晚就要给初期植物准备覆盖物。黑色塑料护盖物能帮助保暖。等土壤温度上升,可以使用有机护盖物时那是最好的…