The president says all the programs being eliminated or reduced are wasteful or unnecessary. "We can no longer afford to spend as if deficits don't matter and waste is not our problem. We can no longer afford to leave the hard choices for the next budget, the next administration, or the next genera…
总统称所有被取消或删减的都是浪费资源或无关紧要的项目。 总统奥巴马讲道,“赤字无关紧要,浪费无足轻重。看似这样的开销方式我们再也无法承受。我们不能再把这种难题留给下一季的预算,留给下一届的政府或是留给下一代。” 第一轮的财政削减看似无伤痛痒, 只从总统2010年3.55万亿美金的预算中减掉170亿美元,但总统称这个…