
Steven Swanson
Joseph Acaba
Koichi Wakata
Sandy Magnus

The space walk is 1 of 3 that astronauts from the space shuttle Discovery are conducting during their 13-day mission to the station. The job requires astronauts Steven Swanson and Joseph Acaba to float outside the station for nearly 7 hours. Meantime, astronauts inside the station are working to rep…
太空漫步是“发现号”太空站的宇航员在他们13天任务的三个使命之一。这个任务要求宇航员Steven Swanson和Joseph Acaba在空间站外漂浮近7个小时。 同时,空间站内的宇航员在替换一个空间站内使用的循环尿为水的系统。所有的改进都是为过度今年年底空间站内的3个宇航员增加6个而准备的。 日本Koichi Wakata到达发现号空…