Jean-Philippe Chauzy,Lampedusa
In recent days, about 2,000 migrants from Africa have arrived on the southern Italian island of Lampedusa. The government says this brings the number of illegal immigrants arriving by sea to well over 24,000, almost double that of last year. The migrants were not welcome on the southern Italian is…
最近几天,大概有2,000名非洲移民陆续抵达意大利南部的蓝佩杜萨岛。政府表明这些渡海到达的非法移民已经超过24,000名,几乎是去年的两倍。 移民在这个意大利南部岛屿并不受欢迎。他们被羁押在一个拥挤的拘留所里,与其有关的案件也正在处理当中。 国际移民组织发言人Jean-Philippe Chauzy告诉VOA,随着全球经济危机逐…