Paul Wyatt
Francois Chappuis
Doctors Without Borders
The scientists also tested the treatment on laboratory mice with sleeping sickness. They gave them the chemical compound by mouth and say the infection disappeared. Now, Paul Wyatt says a drug based on the research could be ready for testing in humans within 18 months. Currently, medicine for sleep…
科学家还用这个疗法来对患有昏睡症的小白鼠进行试验。他们表示,在给老鼠服下此化学混合物后,感染症消失了。 现在,保罗·怀厄特说在此基础上研究出来的药物将在八个月内进入人体试验阶段。目前,治疗昏睡症的药物需要一系列的注射,不仅费用昂贵,病人还要忍受疼痛以及需要住院观察。而且治疗的副作用可能会很严重,有时甚…