Opium Wars
Gold Rush
Central Pacific Railroad
The exhibit begins in the late 1700s and 1800s. It tells about the exchange of goods and people between China and western countries. And it tells about the role Chinese workers played in helping to build America into an industrial power. The exhibit discusses the Opium Wars that took place in the m…
这个展览的时间跨度从18世纪末开始至19世纪初,描述了中国和西方国家之间商品和劳动力的交换和中国劳工在推动把美国建设成为工业强国的过程中所起的作用。 这个展览探讨了发生在19世纪中期的鸦片战争。中国和英国之间的贸易纠纷导致了中国不得不开放更多的关口来与西方国家进行贸易活动。 这个展览还讲述了在1848年,许多赴…