Laura Middleton
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Canada
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
校稿 李奇亮
翻译 lisa1128
组长 lisa1128
How active you are early in life may affect how able-minded you are late in life. That was the finding of a new study of cognitive impairment, or a loss in mental abilities. The study involved more than 9,000 women in the United States over the age of 65. They answered questions about their level o…
年轻时的活泼度将决定晚年的认知力。这是一项认知功能损坏或者称之为脑力衰退研究的新发现。 这项研究范围涉及到美国9000多名65岁以上妇女。研究对象分别就她们青少年时期、30多岁时期以及50多岁时期的体能锻炼情况回答了相关的提问。 劳拉·米德尔顿述职于加拿大的新宁保健科学中心,她领导开展了此次研究。 “定期进行主动…